Have a period dint update my blog already. haha, because nothing special to be update.Lol.There are some serious tragedies occur in the period without my update lo ...haha. i would like to talking a little bit all tragedies happened.
First of all, of course it is seriously and huge problem for Malaysia lately which is flooding at Kedah and Perlis. Oh my god, floods at Kedah and Perlis is horrible and its worsen floods compare to 2005 floods in the same district in Kedah and Perlis. Meanwhile, the floods happening also the moment of University Utara Malaysia (UUM) convocation. Unfortunately, convocation affected too due to the floods scene at Jitra, Kedah which is the flood over the surface of the main road that connected to UUM, Sourth-North highway. For the first two days of convocation is successfully run through, unfortunately the last day convocation sadly called to be postpone due to the floods that disconnected the main road to uum lo. Anywhere, for those who are undergo their ceremony at the convocation day. congratulations to all of my friends and wishing them having a bright coming future no matter career or study. ^^ one more sad thing is the cancellation date of convocation also the ill day for me .=.=''''' damn bad luck .....
Another discussion, which could not also escape from the floods problem. =.='''' all related to floods here. haha. examination schedule have been rearranged due to floods again. examination postpone is nothing big deal, the main point is last trip after my examination also affected lo. all destinations, accommodation, even flight ticket all booked before. Just a small postpone for the examination schedule nia. everything gone. flight ticket flew, money burned, planned gone, and mood down. =.='''''haiz. what a bad luck for this semester ley ? wish to have some unforgetable memories from the trip geh ma. now, everything gone........gone.....sad....=.=''''
Last discussion pula which related to examination study week. wah cow, seriously no mood to study for this semester lo. you know geh la, last semester already ma ...lol...wish to fly away from here, and anxiously to get into training section for a 6 months free cheap labour for the company. what the hell i m talking about, haha, training is all about experience ma, dont ever think about salary la. i believed someday later, my salary will 100 times double up than the only RM500 per month allowances from the company. wish all the best when internship lo . good luck for me and my friends who gonna internship too... ..^^
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